The applicant, VLC Enterprises LLC, is proposing to establish a limited commercial and single-family residential development program on a vacant infill site consisting of 12.2 acres, generally located northwest of the northwest corner of 85th Avenue and Northern Avenue. The subject General Plan Amendment would only modify 7.5 acres of the overall development area. The site is immediately south of the SRP power line corridor and east of the Brighton Charter School. Additionally, a City of Peoria drainage basin is located to the south and east of the subject property which provides further separation from adjacent uses.
In this request, the applicant is seeking to amend the General Plan Land Use Map by re-designating the site from Low Density Residential (2-5 du/ac, target of 3 du/ac) to Neighborhood Commercial to facilitate the proposed storage use detailed in the companion rezoning case (Case Z16-0009) that accompanies this Minor General Plan Amendment request.
Related History:
On October 23, 1984 the Mayor and City Council approved a rezoning request for approximately 7.5 acres of the subject site in addition to adjacent properties immediately west of the subject site. The rezoning request changed the zoning from General Agricultural (AG) to Convenience Commercial (C-1).
General Plan:
The proposed mini-storage, boat, and RV storage on Parcel A of the development does not meet the current General Plan land use designation of Low Density Residential. As a result the applicant has submitted the subject General Plan Amendment that would modify the existing designation to the Neighborhood Commercial land use designation. This General Plan Amendment would enable the commercial component of the companion rezoning request to allow mini-storage, boat and RV storage.
The proposed amendment meets the intent of the General Plan to provide land use designations that provide a contextually appropriate land use as it relates to the existing built environment. Though the surrounding properties contain a current designation of Low Density Residential, the built environment does not reflect that land use designation. To the east is the City-owned retention basin and then across 85th Avenue there are one (1) acre lots within the county. To the north is the approximately three hundred twenty-five (325) foot wide SRP power line corridor. To the west is the Brighton School, and to the south is Northern Avenue which is a major arterial roadway. Additionally, a portion of the subject property as well as the
properties immediately to the west are zoned Convenience Commercial (C-1).
The City retention basin and the single family residential portion of the companion rezoning proposal (see case Z16-0009) would separate the subject Neighborhood Commercial land use from the existing semi-rural character provided by the large-lot county properties across 85th Avenue to the east (Exhibit 1). Northern Avenue provides a transition to semi-rural, large-lots located to the south within the Maricopa County Island. Therefore, staff finds the proposed re-designation to the Neighborhood Commercial land use designation to provide for an appropriate transition between the aforementioned uses within the existing environment. For additional information regarding the associated rezoning request please see the report for Case Z16-0009.
Public Participation:
As a requirement of the General Plan Amendment application process, the applicant conducted an open house neighborhood meeting and provided a Citizen Participation Report detailing the results of the meeting (Exhibit 2). The applicant notified all property owners within a 600 foot radius of the site and all registered Homeowner’s Associations within 1 mile for the required neighborhood meeting.
The neighborhood meeting was held for this request on November 3, 2016 at 6:00pm at the Peoria Community Center. The applicant was available to present the details of the proposed project to attendees. There were seven (7) neighbors in attendance at the neighborhood meeting in addition to the
Councilmember for the subject council district and her assistant. The applicant presented the details of the proposed project to the attendees.
Attendees voiced concerns primarily focused on the lot sizes of the residential component of the development. The attendees identified that they would like to see one acre lots for the residential portion of the development on Parcel B to match the County lots across 85th Avenue and across Northern Avenue. The attendees requested a minimum lot size of 1/2 acre for each single family residential lot.
- The applicant has identified that in order to make the project feasible a minimum of 12
lots would be needed.
- To provide space for the 12 lots as well as necessary open space, amenities, and buffer between Parcel A (storage) and Parcel B (single family) the largest lot size that could be accommodated was a minimum of 10,000 square feet.
Other concerns identified at the meeting were focused on traffic to and from the property as well as plans for future roadway improvements for Northern Avenue and 85th Avenue.
- It was identified that for the next 10 years the only improvements planned for Northern Avenue would be intersection widening at the arterial intersections which would not affect this site.
- Questions about 85th Avenue future improvements were responded to via follow up communication from the City to the inquiring parties.
- It was clarified that 85th Avenue would be paved for the portion of the half street that abuts the proposed residential portion. This would limit potential dust from traffic on 85th Avenue due to the traffic generated by the residential development.