Item Coversheet
Agenda Item: 13.B. 

Date Prepared:  4/6/2017 Council Meeting Date: 4/18/2017

TO:Carl Swenson, City Manager 
Susan J. Daluddung, AICP, Deputy City Manager 
FROM:  Chris Jacques, AICP, Planning & Community Development Director 
Upcoming Peoria SUPPORT Awareness Seminars 


As part of the City's on-going outreach related to Human Services, the following Peoria SUPPORT Program Awareness Series Seminars are scheduled for the next three (3) month period:


April 19th - Fair Housing - Led by staff from the Arizona Fair Housing Center, participants will learn about Fair Housing rights and remedies.


May 18th - Pathway to Homeownership - Led by staff from a HUD approved housing counseling agency (Administration of Resources & Choices), participants will be able to meet with housing counselors and learn steps to prepare for homeownership and repair credit.


June 13th - Banner Brain Health Program - Led by staff from the Banner Alzheimer's Institute, participants will learn about the different domains of your brain and the difference between normal aging and something more serious.  Additionally, participants will be taught activities to aid in strengthening your brain health.


The moniker Peoria SUPPORT (Services Uniting to Provide People with Opportunities, Resources and Training) was developed  to represent the core purpose of human service functions within the Community Assistance Division.


The popular Awareness Series began in 2014 as quarterly offerings and, due to its popularity, has expanded to monthly offerings.  All seminars are offered to the public at no cost and are held at varying locations throughout the City including Sunrise Mountain Library, Rio Vista Recreation Center and here at City Hall.  Instructors are experts in their fields and provide their time to the City pro-bono.


Please see our website at for more information and registration instructions.


Detailed Descriptions of Upcoming Peoria SUPPORT Awareness Series Seminars
Contact Name and Number:  

Carin Imig, Community Assistance Manager, (623) 773-7381