Item Coversheet
Agenda Item: 12C. 

Date Prepared:  4/18/2017 Council Meeting Date: 5/2/2017

TO:Carl Swenson, City Manager 
Susan J. Daluddung, AICP, Deputy City Manager 
FROM:  Andrew Granger, P.E., Development and Engineering Director 
Authorization of Minor Project Scope Change, Peoria Sports Complex Asphalt Remediation, Peoria Sports Complex Improvements Phase 3, 83rd Avenue and Stadium Way 


Staff recommends that the Council authorize the minor change in project scope. The proposed solution prioritizes the improvement of maintenance prone walkways and defers a more costly mill and overlay in the clubhouse parking lots until the full extent of the potential development plans are known. No change in funding appropriation is required.

In the fiscal year 2015 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), staff initiated a three year project to systematically remediate asphalt parking lots and drives at the Peoria Sports Complex. The multi-year series of construction projects undertaken at the Complex necessitated the sequencing of crack filling, surface coating, and mill & overlay projects between Spring Training seasons.


No dollars were expended in FY2015 in order to aggregate the FY2015 and FY2016 funding to accomplish a larger mill and overlay of all stadium roadways. Remaining FY2016 funding was used to crack fill and surface coat all stadium public parking areas which was completed in time for Spring Training 2017.


The remaining FY2017 funding, approximately $200,000, was intended to be used for a mill and overlay of the Mariners and Padres clubhouse staff and player parking lots however potential development plans at the Peoria Sports complex may entail modifications to these lots and the surrounding roadway and utility infrastructure.  The opinion of staff is that a shorter term, less costly surface treatment would allow the development plans to contemplate all parking and infrastructure options without fear of demolishing new asphalt.  In the event that the development plans do not materialize, the City may need to perform a mill and overlay of the player and staff parking areas in approximately 5 years.



In addition to the surface treatment of the clubhouse parking lots, staff  requests that council approve re-purposing approximately $105,000 to replace the narrow asphalt pedestrian pathways which serve the Mariners and Padres auxiliary practice fields with new, widened concrete walkways. Doing so enhances the public experience at large annual events (ex: July 4th Event) and eliminates the ongoing maintenance costs associated with asphalt. Constructing widened walk paths also requires the widening of existing gates and fences.

Previous Actions:

There are no previous actions pertaining to the scope or use of funds for the Sports Complex Asphalt Remediation capital projects.

A:  Authorize a minor change in project scope for the Sports Complex Asphalt Remediation project (CS00179) that provides for a short term asphalt maintenance solution at the clubhouse parking lots and permits the replacement of narrow asphalt walkways to the practice fields with new, wider, concrete walkways that benefit large public events.  No change in funding appropriation is required.


B:  Do not authorize the change in project scope. Staff will take the Council’s feedback and present other alternatives at a future Council meeting.

Staff Recommendation:

Discussion and possible action to authorize a minor change in project scope that provides for a short term asphalt maintenance solution at the clubhouse parking lots and permits the replacement of narrow asphalt walkways to the practice fields with new, wider, concrete walkways that benefit large public events for the Sports Complex Asphalt Remediation project (CS00179). No change in funding appropriation is required for the current projects.

Fiscal Analysis:

Funding for CS00179, Sports Complex Asphalt Improvements is available in the FY2017 CIP in the Half-Cent Sales Tax fund, Improvements Other than Land and Buildings Account 1210-0350-CIPPK-541003-CS00179. If development plans do not materialize, a future CIP request for a mill and overlay may be needed.

This Contract Amendment has been reviewed by the Development and Engineering Department, Finance Department, Materials Management Division, and the City Attorney’s office.


Sports Complex_Location Map
Sports Complex_Vicinity Map
Contact Name and Number:  

Edward Striffler, Architectural Services Manager, 623-773-7721