
Cathy Carlat



Bridget Binsbacher, Vice Mayor



Vicki Hunt



Bill Patena

Palo Verde


Michael Finn



Carlo Leone



Jon Edwards

City Council Meeting

Notice & Agenda


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

City Council Chamber

8401 West Monroe Street

Peoria, AZ 85345

Special Meeting
5:00 P.M. Convene
Roll Call
Consent Agenda

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine or have been previously reviewed by the City Council, and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember so requests; in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Business, and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. 


1C.Authorization to Hold an Executive Session

Discussion and possible action to authorize the holding of an Executive Session for the purpose of discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body and/or legal counsel in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding:

(a)Legal issues pertaining to the pending litigation case David Dominguez Mendoza v. City of Peoria pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03.A.4.


Executive Session

Convene immediately following Special City Council Meeting
Executive Room, City Council Chamber

Under the provisions of A.R.S. 38-431.02 there will be a CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION.

Executive Session Agenda

2.An Executive Session for the purpose of discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body and/or legal counsel in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding:
(a)Legal issues pertaining to the pending litigation case David Dominguez Mendoza v. City of Peoria pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03.A.4.

The above-named Public Body of the City of Peoria, Arizona will convene into Executive Session pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 for those items listed on the agenda. Only those persons who are:

  • Members of the Public Body, or
  • Officers of the City that are required to attend, or 
  • Those individuals whose presence is reasonably necessary for the Public Body to carry out its Executive Session responsibilities as determined by the City Attorney may be present during the Executive Session.

All persons who remain present during the Executive Session are reminded that the business conducted in Executive Session, including all discussion taking place herein, is confidential and may not be disclosed to any person, except as permitted by law.

Arizona Open Meeting Act:

Arizona law requires that persons who are present in an executive session receive instruction regarding the confidentiality requirements of the Arizona Open Meetings Act. Minutes and discussions made during executive sessions are confidential and may not be disclosed to any party, except:

  • Members of the Council, 
  • Appointees or employees who were subject of discussion under the personnel item
    subsection of the Open Meetings Act, 
  • County Attorney or Attorney General pursuant to an investigation of a violation of the Open Meetings Act, and
  • Arizona Auditor General in connection with an audit authorized by law.

Any person who violates or who knowingly aids, agrees to aid, or attempts to aid another person in violating the Arizona Open Meetings Law may be punished by fine of up to $500.00 per violation and/or by removal from public office.


Study Session
Convene immediately following Executive Session Meeting
Roll Call
Study Session Agenda
Subject(s) for Discussion Only
3.Legislative Update and Financial Overview
Regular Meeting
7:00 P.M. Convene
Pledge of Allegiance - Posting of Colors and Pledge of Allegiance led by Girl Scout Troop #2156

Roll Call

Final Call to Submit Speaker Request Forms

Councilmembers: Ironwood District Bill Patena
Mesquite District Bridget Binsbacher
Willow District Jon Edwards


RECESS (approximately 15 minutes)



5.Proclamation Recognizing January as “Care Enough to Get in the Way Month"
6.Sustain & Gain Photo Contest Winner












Consent Agenda

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine or have been previously reviewed by the City Council, and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember so requests; in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Business, and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.



Discussion and possible action to approve the following minutes:

  • November 22, 2016 Meeting Minutes
  • November 28, 2016 Meeting Minutes
8C.Grant, Arizona Department of Public Safety, Victims of Crime Act
Discussion and possible action to: (a) authorize the Peoria Police Department to accept $86,808 from the Arizona Department of Public Safety Victims of Crime Act to fund personnel for the Victim Assistance program; and (b) approve a budget adjustment in the amount of $86,808 from the Proposed Grants Contingency account to the Victims of Crime Act Grant account.
9C.Intergovernmental Agreement, Amendment No. 1, Flood Control District of Maricopa County, City of Surprise, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, 115th Avenue and Union Hills Drive Drainage Improvement Project
Discussion and possible action to approve Amendment No. 1 to the intergovernmental agreement with the Flood Control District of Maricopa County, City of Surprise and Maricopa County for rights-of-way acquisition, utility relocations, construction, construction management, and operation and maintenance of the project.
10C.Intergovernmental Agreement, City of Phoenix, Processing Solid Waste Recyclable Materials
Discussion and possible action to approve an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Peoria and City of Phoenix under the terms above for Processing Recyclable Materials.
11C.Intergovernmental Agreement, Maricopa County, Pinnacle Peak Road Improvements from 99th Avenue to 91st Avenue
Discussion and possible action to adopt RES. 2017-03 approving an intergovernmental agreement with Maricopa Counry to improve and annex Pinnacle Peak Road from 99th Avenue to 91st Avenue.
12C.Intergovernmental Agreement, Participating Arizona Cities and Towns, Waste Collection and Transportation Mutual Aid

Discussion and possible action to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement for Waste Collection and Transportation Mutual Aid with participating Cities and Towns for waste collection and transportation.

13C.Contract, Felix Construction, New River System Improvements
Discussion and possible action to approve the contract with Felix Construction to construct site improvements for three well and reservoir sites recently acquired by the City.
14C.Settlement Agreement, David Dominguez Mendoza v. City of Peoria
Discussion and possible action to approve a Settlement Agreement between David Dominguez Mendoza v. City of Peoria.
15C.Budget Amendment, Two Contract Part-Time Judicial Assistant Positions, Peoria Municipal Court
Discussion and possible action to: (a) authorize the use of the Peoria Municipal Court Enhancement Funds for two part-time contract Judicial Assistants; (b) approve two contract part-time Judicial Assistant positions, non-benefited, each for 20 hours weekly for six months; (c) approve a budget amendment in the amount of $25,000 from the General  Fund Contingency account to the Peoria Municipal Court Enhancement Fund Salaries and Wages account.
16C.Standards of Financial Disclosure for Local Elected Officials
Discussion and possible action to adopt RES. 2017-04, prescribing standards of financial disclosure for local elected officials consistent with the provisions adopted by the legislature.
17C.Strategic Plan for Human Resources
Discussion and possible action to adopt the five-year Strategic Plan for Human Resources.


18C.Fiscal Year 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Single Audit Report and Auditor Communications
Discussion and possible action to receive and file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Single Audit Report, Management Letter, and Auditor Communication to Governance Letter for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016.
19C.Power Distribution Easements, Salt River Project, Olive Avenue Overhead Power Undergrounding
Discussion and possible action to adopt RES. 2017-05 authorizing the City Manager to execute two Power Distribution Easements to Salt River Project for the undergrounding of 3,100 lineal feet of existing overhead lines along the south side of Olive Avenue between 85th Avenue and 90th Avenue.
20C.Final Plat, Union Hills Medical & Professional, Union Hills Drive and 91st Avenue
Discussion and possible action to approve the Final Plat of Union Hills Medical & Professional, located at Union Hills Drive and 91st Avenue, subject to stipulations.


21C.Final Plat, Vistancia Village D Parcels D1, D2, D3A, D3B, & D4, Lone Mountain Parkway and El Mirage Road
Discussion and possible action to approve the Final Plat of Vistancia Village D Parcels D1, D2, D3A, D3B, & D4, located at Lone Mountain Parkway and El Mirage Road, subject to stipulations.
22C.Condominium Replat, Building F of Westbrook Office Park, Union Hills Drive and 87th Avenue
Discussion and possible action to approve the Condominium Replat of Building F of Westbrook Office Park, located at Union Hills Drive and 87th Avenue, subject to stipulations.


23C.Condominium Replat, 8506 W. Deer Valley Road, 85th Avenue and Deer Valley Road
Discussion and possible action to approve the Condominium Replat for 8506 W. Deer Valley Road, located at 85th Avenue and Deer Valley Road, subject to stipulations.
24C.Replat, The Meadows – Parcel 12A, Lots 88 & 89, 97th Avenue and Deer Valley Road
Discussion and possible action to approve the Replat of The Meadows – Parcel 12A, Lots 88 & 89, located at 97th Avenue and Deer Valley Road, subject to stipulations.
25C.PUBLIC HEARING - Liquor Licenses, Various Locations
Discussion and possible action to recommend approval to the State Liquor Board for: (a) a New Restaurant (Series 12) Liquor License for Revolu Modern Taqueria + Bar, located at 15703 North 83rd Avenue #110, Jeremiah Gracia, Applicant, LL#20016658; (b) a New Wine and Beer (Series 10) Liquor License for Corner Mart, located at 8268 West Deer Valley Road, Alexiss S. Murrieta Rosas, Applicant, LL#20016350; and (c) a New Wine and Beer (Series 10) Liquor License for ARCO AmPm, located at 8271 West Thunderbird Road, Harkirat Singh, Applicant, LL#20016296.
Regular Agenda
New Business
26R.Election of Vice Mayor
Discussion and possible action to establish a term length, nominate and elect a Vice Mayor. 
27R.Election of Mayor Pro Tem
Discussion and possible action to establish a term length, nominate and elect a Mayor Pro Tem to serve during the absence of both the Mayor and Vice Mayor.





Discussion and possible action to adopt RES. 2017-07, approving the redistricting criteria and declaring an emergency.

Vistancia Community Facilities

District Board Meeting


VCFD Consent Agenda

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine or have been previously reviewed by the City Council, and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember so requests; in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Business, and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.




Discussion and possible action to approve the September 6, 2016 VCFD Meeting minutes.

30C.Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Financial Report
Discussion and possible action to accept and file the Vistancia Community Facilities District Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016.

Call To The Public (Non-Agenda Items)
If you wish to address the City Council, please complete a Speaker Request Form and return it to the clerk before the call to order for this meeting. The City Council is not authorized by state law to discuss or take action on any issue raised by public comment until a later meeting.

Reports from City Manager
31.Council Calendar
A.Upcoming City Events Video

Reports from City Council

Reports from the Mayor



NOTE: Documentation (if any) for items listed on the Agenda is available for public inspection, a minimum of 24 hours prior to the Council Meeting, at any time during regular business hours in the Office of the City Clerk, 8401 W. Monroe Street, Room 150, Peoria, AZ 85345.

Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities. Alternative format materials, sign language interpretation and assistive listening devices are available upon 72 hours advance notice through the Office of the City Clerk, 8401 West Monroe Street, Peoria, Arizona 85345 - Phone: (623) 773-7340 or FAX (623) 773-7304. To the extent possible, additional reasonable accommodations will be made available within the time constraints of the request. The City has a TDD line where accommodations may be requested at: (623) 773-7221.

Public Notice
In addition to the City Council members noted above, one or more members of the City of Peoria Boards and Commissions may be present to observe the City Council meeting as noticed on this agenda.


City Council Meetings can be viewed live on Channel 11 (Cox Cable) and are available for viewing on demand at



City Manager

Carl Swenson

City Clerk

Rhonda Geriminsky